Allowing the Future to Unfold
In a deep sense, your capacity as a leader comes from a choice to allow life to unfold through you.

— Peter Senge, Foreward to Synchronicity: the inner path of leadership
Allowing the future to unfold through us
The first few years of my inner leader journey were a bit confusing and disorienting. I did not know what an inner leader's journey was or that I was on one. I had never heard of it before.
But one thing I was sure of was that life was fundamentally different. Something was welling up from deep within me that was seeking more and more of my attention.
When my moment of truth arrived, I didn't hesitate or think twice about stepping into the unknown. I could no longer look the other way.
When we follow the herd, we stay with the mundane and sometimes even the immoral or criminal. — Lance Secretan, The Bellwether Effect
From that moment forward, life started unfolding in a new way. People, ideas, and events that I played no role in planning or initiating came together to lead me forward and sometimes in new directions.
I struggled to maintain consistency and focus, but the necessity to act and move to what was next seemed to unfold naturally.
Eventually, I was led to Synchronicity: the inner path of leadership, written by Joseph Jaworski. I was utterly captivated by this wonderful book. You can't imagine the insight and clarity this book brought to the changes I was experiencing.
When I finished reading the book, I had an overwhelming desire to talk and meet with Joseph. Fortunately, Joseph and his colleague Susan Taylor responded, and I had an opportunity to meet and learn from them.
A new container
When my partner and I formed a business in 2015, we wanted to create a container for the various projects and initiatives that had unfolded through us.
We believed creating a container was a way to define an open space of unlimited possibility where we would learn and be receptive to different viewpoints and opinions. So it was immediately apparent that the company should be named CONTAINER with a number suffix.
When we began considering and researching various numbers, our search quickly led us to 13. Thirteen is known as the number of transformation. But it's also a unique type of transformation — change that occurs easily and naturally. The name CONTAINER 13 was a perfect fit for what we were experiencing and wanted to convey through our work.
For the most part, the idea of CONTAINER 13 is operating behind the scenes and an organizing principle for us, but you may encounter it here or there.
Over the past six months, the notion and idea of LeaderONE began to emerge. I believe it is the next evolution of my work that will bring together in a more focused way the most eminently useful and powerful lessons and insights from all my work.
What this means for SpaceB and Forward Thinking Workplaces for the next year is that I will publish new content at those sites less frequently, perhaps monthly, while turning more of my attention to working with clients and the LeaderOne course and book.
Suppose you are a paid subscriber at SpaceB or Forward Thinking Workplaces. In that case, I will automatically provide access to all the new content at LeaderONE, where I intend to deliver 3 to 10 times the value.
So if you are enjoying and benefiting from the content at SpaceB or Forward Thinking Workplaces, you want to consider becoming a paid member soon before LeaderONE launches in March 2023.
I'll make more announcements next week to let you know what's coming.

Participate in the Inner Leader Poll
Did you participate in the Inner Leader poll? It's completely anonymous. No email is required.
If you are on an inner leader journey or not, we'd love to know. We'll share the overall results in an upcoming newsletter. Discover how you relate with all our subscribers and readers.
I'm really excited at what's unfolding at LeaderONE and how it will leverage all my work from SpaceB and Forward Thinking Workplaces!
Please let me know if you have any questions, and I hope you will participate in the poll!
— Bill
— Joseph Jaworski