Ask More Empowering Questions

Ask More Empowering Questions
Your mind has what you might call an automatic search function, which means that when you ask yourself a question, your mind automatically begins to search for an answer. — Noah St. John, The Secret Code of Success

Why is the sky blue? What just happened? Did your mind automatically start to look for the answer? According to Noah St. John, author of The Secret Code of Success, this is an example of what our mind does when we ask ourselves a question.

One of my favorite podcasts that I listen to regularly is Monday Morning Radio, hosted by Dean Rotbart. Dean is a former columnist and managing editor of the Wall Street Journal. And as you might imagine, Dean attracts a fascinating array of guests and is a great interviewer.

Interestingly, I was fortunate to be interviewed by Dean several years ago on Designing Workplaces of Tomorrow, and it was one of the most interesting interview experiences I ever had. Dean asks great questions, and with his background, he is precise, detailed, and curious.

In his most recent episode, Dean interviewed Noah St. John, the inventor of the afformation and the author of The Secret Code of Success and twenty other books.

I had never heard of Noah or the concept of afformations, but I found the idea intriguing and aligned with my experience and the ideas I write about here at SpaceB.

Afformation is a term coined by Noah St. John and is a type of affirmation phrased as a question. Instead of stating what you want to achieve (as with traditional affirmations), you ask why you've already achieved it.

For example, instead of stating, "I am confident," you would ask, "Why am I so confident?"

Afformations are built on the idea that the human brain is naturally inquisitive and constantly seeking answers. When you ask yourself a question, your brain immediately searches for answers.

By framing affirmations as questions, it is believed that you can engage your brain more effectively and create a stronger belief in the possibility of achieving your goals.

Why you might want to consider afformations

I've never used affirmations or afformations before, but I find the idea attractive and plan to adopt the practice to see how they work out.

After reading and researching afformations further, here are some of the possible reasons why you might want to consider using them:

  1. Focus on the Positive: By framing things as questions, afformations encourage you to consider why these positive statements are true. This can help shift your focus from negative thoughts to positive ones.
  2. Stimulate Creative Thinking: When you ask a question, your brain seeks an answer. In the process, you might discover new perspectives or solutions you hadn't considered before.
  3. Overcome Limiting Beliefs: Afformations can help challenge and overcome limiting beliefs. If you struggle with self-doubt or negative self-talk, turning these into questions can help you see things more positively.
  4. Engage the Subconscious Mind: Asking "why" can engage your subconscious mind, which is a powerful tool for change.
  5. Enhance Motivation: Afformations can help to increase your motivation. By focusing on the positive aspects of yourself and your life, you can boost your self-esteem and confidence, which can help motivate you to take action toward your goals.

Dean doesn't hold anything back in his interviews and can be quite entertaining. I highly recommend you listen to Dean's interview with Noah St. John.

Have you used affirmations or afformations? Please leave a comment and share your experience with other readers. I'll share my experience in a future issue.

— Bill

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