Rethinking You in Turbulent Times
The real problem isn’t our turbulent world. The real problem is we have all been unconsciously programmed since birth by our parents, our schools, society, the media, etc. on how to think, live and work.

— Stephen Covey
Rethinking You in Turbulent Times
We all want and would like to perform at our very best and live a successful life.
But this can be particularly challenging in today’s turbulent world when many of us are working independently and facing any number of unforeseen challenges that were unthinkable even just yesterday.
So how can we keep up with this new reality?
The real problem isn’t our turbulent world. The real problem is we have all been unconsciously programmed since birth by our parents, our schools, society, the media, etc. on how to think, live and work.
While this programming served us well for millennia, the world has shifted and now it's incumbent upon each and every one of us to shift too. We need to discover and learn new ways of being, thinking, living, and working together.
What most people don’t realize and have never been taught is that by enhancing our ability to look and listen within, we access greater awareness and creative power to thrive and perform at our best in these turbulent times.
However, awareness and sensitivity to our inner capacities can be elusive because they are largely beyond the mind, invisible, and unseen.
So what can we do?
Two Tracks for Rethinking You
The world is calling upon each and every one of us to step into a fuller expression of who we really are to meet the challenges we face today.
I'm currently offering two workshop tracks for paid subscribers that will help you move beyond the past and stepping more fully into creating the future.
Forward Thinking Workplaces
In the Forward Thinking Workplaces workshops, we primarily open up new ways of working and interacting with each other. Engaging with other like minded people in a safe space where we focus on listening to each other will also enhance and expand your inner capacities and energy.
Our next workshop on Wedneday, January 26, 2022, focuses on the most important questions we can ask ourselves. Learn more and register at the workshop registration page.
Space Beyond Boundaries
At Space Beyond Boundaries, we explore developing our competencies in six key areas: Forward Thinking, Awareness, The Inner Journey, Understanding of How the Mind Works, Leadership, and Questions, Listening, and Dialogue.
Our next workshop on Wednesday, February 2, 2022, we go on a deeper exploration of what is the space beyond boundaries. Learn more and register at the workshop registration page.
Please get in touch with me at if you have any questions.
Hope to see you at one or both upcoming workshops!
To your forward-thinking life & great success!
— Bill
— Dee Hock, Founder and CEO Emeritus, Visa