Top 5 Boundary Busting Ideas in 2022
Once you see the boundaries of your environment, they are no longer the boundaries of your environment.

— Marshall McLuhan, The Medium Is the Massage
Top 5 Boundary Busting Ideas in 2022
It's always fascinating to run the analytics at the end of the year to see what posts were most popular.
This issue reveals the top five posts based on website visits from social media and Google searches in the past year.
There were 50 posts in total. Since May 2020, there have been 131 total posts.
Care to share what post you found most intriguing in the past year? Please let me know or share your thoughts in the comments section of the online version.
I also invite you to share your thoughts in our short, two-question poll!
Thank you for subscribing, and I wish you a Happy New Year!
— Bill
Participate in the Inner Leader Poll
Are you on an inner leader journey? We'd love to know! We'll share the overall results in our next newsletter. Discover how you relate with all our subscribers and readers.
1 The Sublime Power of Mental Images
Working with mental images activates a different mode of consciousness which is holistic and intuitive.

2 Why We Still Have a Leadership Problem
We still have a leadership problem because we don't need more traditional leadership training. We need to update the structures of our minds for the 21st century.

3 A 99-Second Journey in Self-Discovery
The 99-second pitch challenge is a journey of self-discovery that brings incredible benefits to every participant and their business.

4 Knowing When to Do Nothing
Sometimes a good part of leadership is knowing when to do nothing.

5 Another Kind of Success
We live in a world today that submerges us in living the good life and chasing economic success that will ultimately leave us feeling empty and unfulfilled.