What Is the Space Beyond Boundaries?
Discover the true nature of the space beyond boundaries and how to live and work from that space more fully at the next monthly online workshop on February 2, 2022.

— Robert Fuchs
How it started
In the summer of 2020, I experimented with creating a few graphic images to help me explain and write about some of the beliefs, insights, and ideas that had influenced me and my work over the past decade.
I had no plans to develop it into a whole new dimension of my work, but the feedback from many readers was encouraging me to do so.
During this time, the notion of "space beyond boundaries" was raised by my friend and colleague, John Ryskowski.
The Forward Thinking designs will help you discover the space beyond your boundaries by reprogramming and un-bounding your subconscious.
I immediately loved it! The idea of "space beyond boundaries" captured my imagination and seemed to describe perfectly what this new area of my work was opening up and what I wanted it to accomplish.
"Reprogramming and un-bounding your subconscious" also excited me because this was exactly what I had experienced! I wasn't just learning new ideas and concepts, but these ideas were also changing me from the inside out allowing me to live and work in new ways that seemed right for the times and challenges we face in today's world.

So what is the space beyond our boundaries?
This past week we held the first monthly Space Beyond Boundaries workshop for 2022.
Six people came together to listen to each other and explore the ideas discussed in the recent post, Listening Beyond the Sounds.
There was a lot of lively and energetic discussion, and we all left the meeting with new insights, connections, and interests to pursue.
After the workshop, I received a fascinating email from Robert Fuchs with his reflections on the session. Robert is a brilliant pioneering consciousness and human performance researcher who is always stretching my mind and contributing great insights.
One of the most intriguing things Robert mentioned in his email was this:
It just dawned on me, the space you are talking about is not only the space beyond the event horizon, but you are actually talking about spacetime itself. The space between space and time, that's filled with free energy and "creative particles of the Higgs" field.
Frankly, I found Robert's statement to be a stunning insight for me too. While intuitively I was operating and viewing my work with this sort of idea in mind, I have never been explicit in describing it using these exact words to myself or others.
I operate and create from the "space between space and time, filled with free energy and "creative particles of the Higgs field" almost every day, but I call it a place where everything exists.
And, what are "spacetime" and the "creative particles of the Higgs field," really? I wanted to know more.
My understanding of the Space Beyond Boundaries ideas and concepts has usually been more experiential. However, when I have the opportunity to talk about this work with Robert, he always brings a new perspective based on his deep understanding and knowledge of science and quantum mechanics.
As Robert and I exchanged messages, we wondered, "What if we were to take our two perspectives on "space beyond boundaries" and talk about them at the next monthly workshop?" So that's exactly what we have decided to do.
We believe that by bringing our two perspectives together, along with your insights and discussion, we can open up a space that will enable us all to more fully tap the power of the universe in our daily work and life.
Please join us at the next monthly SpaceB workshop on February 2, 2022, for what I know will be a fascinating and exciting session!
Go to the Registration page to reserve your seat!
To your forward-thinking journey & space beyond!
— Bill
— Bill Fox